The history of the volunteer movement is quite difficult to trace, because previously no one had
recorded such actions exactly. But the history of humanity shows that no society was alien to the idea of
voluntary and selfless help. Obviously, volunteering is a concept as ancient as the concept of "society".
In the primitive period (10,000 - 3,000 BC) of the history the first demonstrations of interspecies
mutual aid of primitive people can be considered the basis of the idea of free, altruistic labor.
Then the Greco-Roman civilization, which appeared in Antiquity (3000 BC - 6th century AD) laid
the foundation for the development of many spheres of human activity. It is on the philosophical
reflections of the ancient Greeks (especially Aristotle and Plato) that the future, the religious picture of
the world in the Middle Ages is built, as well as many humanist concepts of the future (including
Modern period and Contemporary history).
Middle Ages (6th century - 16th century) is characterized by the power of the Catholic Church and
the dominance of religious consciousness in society. The Church and its agents are essentially the only
charitable organizations that have helped their members during this "dark" period of history.
In Early modern period (16th century - 1789) the concept of "volunteer" appears, which has an
exclusively military meaning. Gradually it transforms in the public consciousness into a concept
associated with self-sacrifice, but not for the sake of war or religion, but for higher goals. This period can
be characterized by spontaneous and unorganized development of volunteer ideas in society.
The characteristic feature of Modern period (1789 - 1918) is that for the first time in the history of
mankind there is an economically free man. It was during this period that volunteerism as a social
phenomenon was born in the USA. It was also a time of capitalism, economic stratification in society
and charity as a way of relieving the growing social pressure.
In Contemporary history (1918 - the present time) the appearance of the first international
volunteer camp and organized volunteer movement in the history of mankind, gave rise to a new stage in
the development of volunteerism not only as a social but also as a cultural phenomenon.
Thus, the seeds of voluntary action seem to have been planted by the first primitive tribes, developed
in the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, and inoculated by the Judeo-Christian heritage. Then,
through the transformation of concepts such as "alms", "charity" and "philanthropy", volunteering became
what we know it to be today. The logical result of the development of the volunteer movement was the
announcement by the UN of 2001, the first year of the new millennium, as the World Year of Volunteers.
It was a sign that symbolized the recognition by the world community of both the merits of the volunteer
movement and its values and goals.